Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Lunch: pizza with mushrooms and gorgonzola cheese.

I usually make some kind of pasta for my saturday lunch - but today I decided to use some pizza dough I had, and made pizza with mushrooms and gorgonzola cheese (pizza bianca con funghi e gorgonzola).
When in Italy we say bianca (white) referred to a pizza, it means it doesn't have tomato sauce on it. Unless I am eating Margherita, I prefer my pizza bianca.
I bought  rolled dough at the supermarket. They sell it in the fridge aisle. Mushrooms too came from the supermarket. Any kind of mushrooms will work.

So, I cut my mushrooms (after washing them well, of course).

Then I spread them on the rolled pizza dough, added some salt, parsley and olive oil:

Put it in the oven at 220 °C (high) for about 10 minutes. Then put some gorgonzola cheese on top. This was a very strong gorgonzola - again, from the supermarket:

After 5 more minutes in the oven, my lunch was ready!

I completed my lunch with arugola salad, an orange and a square of 85% chocolate with my coffee. It was really good!!!


  1. I have yet to be able to learn to like blue cheese, but this pizza looks delicious! I'm in love with mushrooms lately so maybe I will try this with another cheese!

  2. mhmmm looks delicious! Good luck with your culinary adventures :)

    Eternally yours,
